Adaptive Traffic Control AG


The company Adaptive Traffic Control AG has created this website itself using common browser standards. The website was launched in its current form on 01.01.2022. The company Adaptive Traffic Control AG has been visible on the Internet at this address since 2006.

Contact address
Adaptive Traffic Control AG
Thomas Riedel, ScD, Managing Director
Langgasse 27
CH-8400 Winterthur


The website is for general information only and does not claim to be correct or complete. The uncertainties of the medium require the following reservations to be made. In specific individual cases, the application of the relevant legal provisions, case law and practice is reserved.

Homepage content
Adaptive Traffic Control AG takes all reasonable steps to ensure the reliability of the information presented, but it makes no guarantees about correctness, reliability or completeness of the information contained on the website. Liability claims against material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information are generally excluded. Adaptive Traffic Control AG reserves the right to make changes to this website at any time without prior notice.

Disclaimer for links and references
This homepage contains links (references) to other web pages. Adaptive Traffic Control AG has no influence whatsoever on their design or content and therefore assumes no responsibility. In particular, any liability for the content is expressly rejected, whether that it is illegal, immoral or even not age-appropriate. The visitor of such a website, to which is linked within the website of the company Adaptive Traffic Control AG, bears the responsibility for his visit fully himself. This statement applies to all links and references set within the own Internet offer.

Data security
Adaptive Traffic Control AG does not guarantee confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged via this website. Spam protection is set up to protect the company's own data.

File format
As the basis for the documents on our website, we have deliberately limited ourselves to the PDF format (Adobe Portable Document Format). To open these documents, you need the Adobe Reader version 8.0 or higher, which you can download for free.

Copyright notice
The contents and structure of the contributions and illustrations published on this website are protected by copyright. Any use not permitted by copyright law requires prior written consent of Adaptive Traffic Control AG. This applies in particular to duplication, editing, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Printouts and downloads of websites may only be produced for personal, private and non-commercial use.

Legal validity of these disclaimers
These disclaimers are to be regarded as part of the Internet offer from which reference was made to this page. If parts or individual formulations of this text should not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.

Adaptive Traffic Control AG does everything in its power to achieve maximum availability and integrity of the homepage, but cannot fully guarantee this.